Sunday, July 11, 2010

Shake, Shake, Shake ...

Ice Cream in progress

Ice cream being devoured by young chef

Geetar Dad is great at coming up with fun activities for the kiddos. Mostly it's taking them on adventures out and about in Charm City but he's constantly surprising us around the house too. He likes to mix science into our everyday -- be it music, cooking or outdoor fun.

Tonight he made some ice cream with Kid A. and Super E. We were out of rock salt, so he made it with kosher salt (recipe below). It was declared as "the best ice cream I've ever had" by my little campers. And the YIPPEE part for me -- no clean up. Just a few ziploc bags to rinse out.

~Get out those gallon size ziplocs
~ Get out some pint size ziplocs too
~ Fill a gallon size one with lots of ice (you'll add salt to this soon)
~ In your pint size bag, add 1 cup of milk, 1 TB sugar and your flavoring. Try different ones like vanilla, mint extracts, orange extract, etc. Go light on the extracts at first as they are strong.
~Seal your pint size bag
~add your salt (1/2 cup) to the bag with gallon sized bag of ice. Place your pint sized bag inside and seal.
~use oven mitts - it's going to get c-c-c-cold and take your bag and SHAKE IT, BABY
~ No, seriously, shake it! Shake it for 5-7 minutes until your ice cream begins to get that soft serve consistency.

Enjoy! I know we did!


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